Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Grace, grace, grace...

It's what Relay one was all about and though many of us thought we knew it and understood it, we all came away with a renewed understanding of it as like Mo said grace is like jelly and whenever you think you have a grasp of it slips out of your hands. I have all ways thought that grace is really hard to grasp from explanation and words but it's best understood through experience, and when people show grace to us it is like a shadow of the perfect grace of God yet it is nothing compared to the infinite grace that God fills the gap between His holiness and our sinfulness.

I really was not sure what I was expecting of other Relay workers but I was suprised by the diversity, we had everyone from sporty rugby lovers to a total geek like me, and thats all thanks to the grace we have all experienced from God wherever we have come from.

Grace is what meant that those of us thinking we are not up to the task can depend on Jesus' strength

Grace is what meant that those of us confident thinking we are ready to do it will be humbled and Jesus' will still do all the work

Grace means we are all on the same level and whatever we do this year Jesus is the one that does the work

grace grace grace, Relay 1 was covered in it and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way...

1 comment:

  1. Geeks FTW!

    Nice one Craig. Its almost a no-brainer to mention our exploits in the knowledge of Grace from Relay 1; I know I was certainly challenged on how I view myself and my pursuits in God's eyes. Its very easy to see yourself in Christian ministry as someone with a more righteous role than any other believer; or in my case think that God loves you more for your efforts.

    I don't think I even realised that I thought this, and it took the culmination of talking to Mo and the talks on the cross and grace for me to realise how works-based my attitude was. I saw that in essence I was the 'older son', but when I also saw how God is just as gracious to the older son as to the prodigal son it finally hit me how loving and gracious God truly is.

    I also think its awesome how diverse the relay bunch is, it really is down to God's amazing grace and plan that he could reconcile such different people together and to Himself through the power of the Gospel.

    Saying that though, we need to find more geeks who appreciate the suffix -tron on the end of their names :)
